New paper on between-language priming of ungrammatical structures

Chantal van Dijk and I have a new paper out in Open Mind on the relation between cross-linguistic influence, between-language priming and language proficiency. The paper is available open access here. After hearing a structure in one language, bilinguals are more likely to produce the same structure in their other language. Such between-language priming is […]

New paper on between-language lexical priming

The first paper by my PhD student, Elly Koutamanis, has appeared in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. In this paper, we use between-language lexical priming whilst eye-tracking to show that school-aged bilingual children have an integrated lexicon which is accessed language non-selectively. We show that this holds at the semantic level – e.g., Greek fousta ‘skirt’ […]

Hurray! My first priming paper has finally been accepted

This paper has been a long time in the make. Data collection was completed before the pandemic but with everything that the lockdowns entailed, the distraction of many other projects, and a less than positive editorial experience at one journal, I am more than delighted to say that my first priming paper has now been […]